Forensic Psychiatry Services

Stephen P. Herman, M.D. has extensive experience in Forensic Child and Adult Psychiatry, and offers his expertise in various services related to the field.


Dr. Herman has been practicing forensic child and adult psychiatry for over 40 years. His expertise is wide-ranging and his reputation is highly regarded amongst his peers.

The Following Are Some Of His Most Sought-After Services

Court-ordered Evaluations of Children and Adults

Frequently, a judge will issue an order appointing a forensic psychiatrist to perform a specific evaluation. This could include assessing allegations of sexual abuse or the alienation of a child by a parent or guardian, commenting upon an insanity defense of someone charged with a serious crime, a person’s ability to stand trial and for other reasons.

When there is an issue of severe mental or other illnesses or when a person is taking medication, the psychiatrist is the best professional to perform the evaluation. In addition, because the psychiatrist is appointed by the court, she or he is an agent for the court,  not for the litigants. Therefore, this professional cannot be sued successfully unless there is an egregious departure from professional and ethical standards.

Psychiatric Malpractice Cases

Sometimes a psychiatrist is alleged to have committed malpractice. Common reasons for lawsuits against psychiatrists include patient suicide, misuse of medications and inappropriate sexual contact with a patient. A psychiatrist, like all doctors, must have malpractice insurance.

However, sometimes an insurance company refuses to pay the doctor or wants to settle the case. Whenever a lawsuit against a doctor is successful or is settled, the doctor’s name and the details are registered with the National Practitioners Data Bank.

Often, this reference will be consulted if a doctor is seeking a new medical license or privileges in a hospital. A forensic psychiatrist might be retained to assess the allegations of malpractice and to offer and opinion about whether the allegations are justified.

Forensic Psychiatry Expert Witness

Dr. Herman has extensive experience in pediatrics, adult psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry and forensic psychiatry. His background equips him to provide balanced and meticulous evaluations in legal contexts. You can trust in his ability to deliver clear, comprehensive testimony that aids in the pursuit of justice.

Peer Review of Forensic Psychiatry Reports

An expert witness may be asked by an attorney to critique another expert’s report. Usually, the court must first give its permission for this process. The reviewing expert, although retained and paid by one side, should always let that side know that he or she will offer an independent opinion.

Depending upon that expert’s conclusions, the retaining attorney might ask for a report critiquing the initial report and, in some cases, testifying. If the reviewing expert has an opinion not congruent with the retaining attorney’s side, the expert will be told not to issue a report.


These conferences may be called Examinations Before Trial. This process gives attorneys the opportunity to examine litigants and/or expert witnesses to learn what they will say in court. The expert witness may be questioned on his or her report and opinions.

As in court, the witness is sworn in to tell the truth. The witness must answer every question posed. If a lawyer objects, the witness must answer. Later, the attorneys may call the court for guidance. Depositions are recorded by court reporters and video. They are also available as transcripts.

Other Services Offered:

Court Testimony

Jail, prison and ICE detention evaluations

Consultations with CPS and other governmental agencies

Evaluations of 94-142 education matters

Evaluations of Frye/Daubert psychiatric proffers

Continuing Legal Education & Continuing Medical Education presentations

Record and document reviews (psychiatric, social, general medical)